Another Vanity Posting
Have you taken a good hard look in the mirror lately? Forget bad hair and wrinkles. Gaze into this Catrina mirror and see a grinning skull superimposed on your face for an all-in-one before-and-after picture of things to come. The skull is etched into the back of the mirror to create the effect. The rest is papier-mache (of […]
Some Like it Hot (others Not)
It’s hot in LA…finally! I know most people, plants, and animals are suffering but, frankly, I’d feel cheated if we didn’t have at least one week of weather in the triple digits.While the papier mâché projects bake outside, I indulge in a perverse pleasure: sweating on the couch while watching films where the hardiest humans survive […]
You can’t spell “blog” without “log”
Saturday at around 7 pm, the doorbell rings. Mark immediately responds with “No. thank you, we’re not interested,” thus fulfilling his husbandly duty of deterring yet another of an onslaught of solicitors who peddle everything from tree work to eternal salvation. Except this time, I recognized the truck out front. And in it was an […]
Artists and Island Gardens
Like many people, I look forward to reading Robert Genn’s Twice Weekly blog. If you aren’t familiar with him, Robert Genn is a Canadian landscape painter who happens to write extremely well. Each entry is an insightful essay marked by a generosity of spirt. One entitled “Summer Joy” caught my fancy well enough to check […]