RoundUp-Ready or Not, Here we come!
RoundUp-Ready or Not, Here we come!
From the people who brought you such products as Agent Orange and DDT, comes RoundUp, another perfectly safe chemical substance that spreads joy to the world. As a matter of fact, you can buy RoundUp at any Home Depot or hardware store, but the handy RoundUp Watering Can* is available only here. Simply fill and pour! Everything except RoundUp-ready plants dies on contact, including weeds, insects, birds, rodents, wildflowers, and non-Monsanto patented genetically modified products. It’s a perfect system.
Next week, we’ll introduce you to some very exciting RoundUp-ready plant-animal hybrids brought to you by Monsanto Gardens.
*patent pending
1 Comment
ruth kaplan
Jan 1, 2014looks good