Seascapes & Seashores Celebrated at Santa Clarita City Hall
Seascapes & Seashores Celebrated at Santa Clarita City Hall
Event: Seascapes and Seashores
Where: Santa Clarita City Hall, 23920 Valencia Blvd., Santa Clarita, CA 91355
When: Through March 29th 2015
Reception: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 from 7:00-9PM
Please join the City of Santa Clarita’s City Council, City of Santa Clarita Arts Commission, and Arts and Events Office on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m., in the First Floor Gallery at Santa Clarita City Hall for a reception celebrating the newest exhibit “Seascapes & Seashores.” The exhibition is being presented in conjunction with the Santa Clarita Public Library city-wide reading and discussion about the book In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex by Nathaniel Philbrick, which is part of the One Story One City program. “Seascapes & Seashores” will be on display through March 29, 2015.
Enjoy this collection of paintings, photography, and sculpture, meet the artists, talk to others that are excited about art, and enjoy light appetizers and entertainment.
I haven’t read Philbrick’s book yet, but I have seen a documentary about this bizarre and amazing story that inspired Melville to write Moby Dick, which I slogged through in high school and again in college, all in the service to a BA in English. I was born in the whaling city of New London, CT and actually spent one summer cleaning exhibits at Mystic Seaport for minimum wage. Hidden talent that shall remain hidden: I can sing sea shanties with the worst of ’em, and I know exactly what to do with a drunken sailor.
I will be at the art reception around 7:45PM. Two of my works, Siren Singer: Melique and Lost at Sea Mermaid Mirror are in the show.