Barnsdall Arts Sundays
When life gives you empty cognac bottles…
on Apr 22, 2016 in Barnsdall Arts Sundays |
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What do you do when someone gives you 85 empty cognac bottles and a big bottle of white glue? If you are an art teacher, you don’t ask questions; you say “Thank You!” Then you get busy washing, scraping, scheming. The assignment: Pomegranate Vases for Armenian Remembrance Day. In case you didn’t know (and I […]
Marionettes at Barnsdall Arts Sunday

El Nino has been a bust so far in LA, but, wouldn’t you know, the day schedule for making marionettes on Barnsdall Arts Sunday, it rained like the dickens. “For sure, this was going to be a washout: no one drives anywhere they don’t have to when it rains in Los Angeles” I thought to […]