Earnest Owl

Earnest Owl

Although he stands at attention in all his finery, Earnest Owl serves no earthly function other than to make you smile. He so desparately wants to help. You can see it in his eyes, which seem to say “Please, tell me I’m good.”

Owls are irresitable. We humans seem to project all our emotions onto their expressive faces, whether it be mystery, melancholy, intelligence, or in the case of Earnest, insecurity. Plus, they are just plain cute. It must be the big head and eyes that triggers that baby response in us.



  1. Julie Soucie
    Dec 7, 2013

    I love Earnest!!! My mutual friend Marilyn has Earnest on a table to greet you as you
    enter her home. He does just make you smile. I find myself looking at him every time
    I walk by him.

    • sarah hage
      Dec 7, 2013

      Earnest couldn’t have found a better home. I’m so glad you like him too.


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